
Work@ble: 2nd Transnational Meeting of the E+ project


The first on-site meeting

On  October 27th  and 28th  2021, the 2nd transnational meeting of the E+ project Work@ble – Digital job coaching for disadvantaged people took place in Tallinn, Estonia. After a year of online activities due to Covid-19, the project partners have met in person. The meeting was attended by the representatives of each partner (Social IT, Dafür, Lyk-z & døtre, Theotokos, Astangu and the project coordinator, Fundación INTRAS) and a few educators and job coaches working with people with disabilities.

The project

The main aim of the Work@ble project is to train job coaches, involved in the employment of people with disabilities, in the use of digital tools for online assessment, job training and support of their users. A toolkit will be developed to collect best practices of online job coaching, which will be used to train coaches on the use of digital tools to be used with their users with mental disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders (LSD). An e-Scape Room (Intellectual Output 2) will be developed as a digital version of the famous logic game to be used by coaches to assess users’ job skills.  

The meeting activities

During the meeting, participants were able to exchange opinions and feedback on the work already done, decide together the contents of the future e-Scape Room and plan the first tests of the prototype with users. The two days were organized and divided into different topics:


  • “Concept definition – discussion on puzzle ideas”
  • “Game programming”
  • “Guidelines for job coaches”
  • “ Project Management & Dissemination”

What’s next?

The next months, essential for the development of the project outputs, have been organized as follows:

  • December 2021 will be dedicated to the definition of the e-Scape room’s contents, such as the game’s setting story and puzzles contents, and to the development of the first prototype; 
  • By February 2022 a more finalized prototype will be ready to be tested. It will faithfully simulate the final interface and structure of the game;
  • Effective development activities for the e-Scape Room will begin in March 2022.

To learn more about the project and stay updated on the activities, please visit the project’s website at this link.