
Research and Innovation

Since 2015, we have been actively involved in research and development projects at European, national, and local levels. Within these projects, we participate as technological partners for the development of ICT solutions and as project managers, sometimes with the role of project coordinator.

Over the years, we have established stimulating collaborations with international stakeholders, including private entities, public organizations, universities, and research centers.



ERICA Erasmus+ (2023-2026)

The main objective of ERICA is to increase environmental awareness and civic participation of citizens through the creation of a new educational methodology on citizen science for environmental monitoring. Citizens will be able to initiate and manage citizen science initiatives, collect and evaluate environmental data, and transform this information into “practical knowledge” that can be used immediately and is perceived as useful by citizens, local authorities, academic institutions, and NGOs.

The objectives of the project are:

  • to process the research results into an e-booklet of best practices;
  • to implement the ERICA training methodology for participatory science in environmental monitoring;
  • to create the ERICA online learning platform, a tool to promote knowledge sharing among different countries;
  • to evaluate both the effectiveness of the methodology and its potential in creating a community of practice during pilot evaluation phases.



Mind Inclusion 3.0 Erasmus+ (2022-2025)

People with intellectual disabilities (PID) have a higher risk of social exclusion, mainly due to low employment and housing. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased their isolation to prevent infection. In addition, PIDs have less access to technology and the Internet. Mind Inclusion 3.0 aims to extend the scope of the Erasmus+ project Mind Inclusion 2.0 to increase the competences and skills of people with intellectual disabilities through ICT tools, fostering their social involvement and improving their quality of life.

The objectives of the project are:

  • co-create and develop of online learning centre (OLC) and create 3 local learning centres on the methodology of mental and social inclusion for people with disabilities
  • create and promote the use of new digital tools to foster inclusion and independent living for people with disabilities
  • share innovative methodologies and practices to create new flexible learning opportunities.

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MENTOR+ Erasmus+ (2022-2024)

The increased use of teleworking, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, demands an improvement of the awareness of employees and knowledge of approaches to well-being in teleworking that address physical and psychological aspects. The MENTOR+ project proposes to introduce good practices through innovative learning methodologies for self-leading practices tackling all aspects of well-being (physical, psychological and nutritional) and the use of an ICT tool to create mutual learning at EU level. 

The objectives:

  • to foster cooperation between organisations dealing with occupational health
  • develop a MENTOR+ app, i.e. a comprehensive well-being program
  • encourage employees to lead a healthy lifestyle by promoting good practices for teleworking.



GLIDE-19 Erasmus+ (2022-2024)

The COVID-19 pandemic caused an unprecedented health crisis and resulted in serious health complications for the entire population. Health workers faced the crisis with insufficient information on the treatment of patients and their long-term rehabilitation.

The GLIDE-19 project aims to:

  • improve the operational and digital skills of health workers to better prepare them for crisis situations
  • increase their awareness of the pandemic’s side effects
  • integrate knowledge about COVID-19 at European level, also for a better management of possible future pandemics.



e-Active Erasmus+ (2021-2024)

The elderly population has experienced many mental and physical health repercussions due to social isolation during the pandemic. The project aims to develop an e-tool with learning activities for professionals, and usable also by seniors, that can promote active ageing and social participation of seniors.

The project aims to:

  • promote active aging, active participation and environmental sustainability principles for the elderly
  • prevent social isolation of the elderly
  • develop digital skills

INDACO (2021-2023)

Indaco (DigitAl INnovation for Trentino e-COmmerce) was created to promote the competitiveness of Trentino businesses and their entry into e-commerce. The result of the project is the creation of an innovative, usable and accessible e-commerce platform. The recipients of the project are all actors in the area, so the platform is customizable and adaptable according to the needs of individuals.

The objectives of the project are:

  • to promote the inclusion and participation of the various Trentino realities in online commerce
  • to enhance the value of the Trentino supply chain
  • to increase competitiveness both at the local and global level
  • to create a Trentino e-commerce platform with a specific version for small businesses



Work@ble Erasmus+ (2021-2023)

The Erasmus+ Work@ble project was created due to the effects of the covid-19 pandemic that particularly affected people with disabilities in the labour market. The project aims to help overcome the effects of the pandemic by enhancing the digital skills of job coaches in supporting the access of people with disabilities to the labor market.

The project aims to:  

  • train educators and job coaches online to increase their digital skills;
  • support mentoring and job coaching services with digital tools and methodologies;
  • promote accessibility of online services to people with disabilities;
  • support social inclusion and access to employment for people with disabilities;
  • help overcome the effects of the covid-19 pandemic with respect to job search and social integration of people with disabilities.



VITALISE H2020 (2021-2024)

VITALISE stands for “Virtual healTh And weLlbeing Living Lab InftraStructurE” is an ambitious Horizon 2020 project which involves 19 partners: 17 from 10 European Countries (Belgium, Greece, Finland, Spain, Hungary, Austria, Italy, Bulgaria, France and the Netherlands) and 2 Canadian partners.

The project proposes Living Lab infrastructures as a means to facilitate and promote research activities in the field of health and wellbeing in Europe and beyond, allowing transnational access to 17 Living Labs and supporting remote digital access to datasets (virtual access) of rehabilitation, and activities of daily living through harmonized processes and common tools. VITALISE aims to design and develop ICT tools for shared access of devices and applications used in Living Labs, as well as for the collection, storage and sharing of data sets. Furthermore, VITALISE will invest in the development of training methods for a broader understanding and enhancement of Living Lab methodologies in the research community.

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INTENSE Erasmus+ (2020-2022)

The “Improving demeNtia care Through Self-Experience” (INTenSE) is a Erasmus+ project which involves 5 partners from 4 European Countries (Italy, Ireland, Germany and the Netherlands). The project will educate, equip and train health and social care professionals to better support people with dementia through innovative learning approaches and the use of ICT tools that explore the lived experience of the person with dementia. INTenSE will support the setting up of upskilling pathways for professionals across Europe that incorporate and promote successful self-experience methodologies and practices to increase knowledge and understanding of the lived experience of dementia. As a form of experiential learning, simulation practices integrate different ways of knowing (e.g., thinking, feeling and doing) to improve care services. Examples are Virtual Dementia Tours (VDT), Role-plays and Theater Laboratories practices that INTenSE will innovatively integrate in order to:

  • enhance cooperation and exchange of experience among organizations working in the dementia care field, developing a new permanent network of collaborating professionals;
  • foster digital competences of professionals through the development and use of an ICT web platform;
  • improve societal awareness about the ability of self-experience to improve dementia care;
  • promote the integration of self-experience practices into the daily activities of current practitioners.



TOGeThER (2020-2023)

TOGeThER, a project in the heart of Trento, proposes to combine social housing methodologies with cutting-edge technology to support independent living projects for people with physical and/or cognitive fragility, but with potential for independent and relational living.

The goals of the project are:

  • Facilitate self-directed living pathways and social inclusion, fostering engagement in the community to avoid social isolation;
  • Support innovation in care services through co-care practices that can solve less complex care problems;
  • Reducing the burden of care services by fostering the development of a home care model that ensures an optimal quality of life.


IPA2 Erasmus+ (2019-2021)IPA2 Erasmus+ project

IPA2, stands for Inclusion of “People with Autism in Europe” is an Erasmus+ project, which involves 6 partners from 5 European countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Serbia, Belgium).

The IPA2 leverages on the work done in the IPA+ project  and is focuses on the following objectives:

  • Decrease early school leaving in students with ASD.
  • Improvement relationships in school between students with ASD and their peers and classmates.
  • Training teachers from primary and secondary schools in order to provide them with strategies to improve the academic performance of students with ASD and to reduce their anxiety/stress symptoms associated with school issues.
  • Taking advantage of the experience of families with children with ASD in order to develop tailored materials and training.
  • Promotion self-defense strategies in people with ASD to help them to deal with school issues.

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MIND INCLUSION 2.0 Erasmus+ (2018-2020)

Mind Inclusion 2.0 is an Erasmus+ Project which involves 6 partners from 4 European country (Italy, Spain, France, Lithuania). The project wants to foster the competencies of educators of intellectually disabled people across Europe to promote the participative co-creation and use of an innovative online tool (a web platform) supported by the definition of a solid facilitation methodology which will contribute to the sustainable and inclusive involvement of disabled people in the society.

The main goals of Mind Inclusion 2.0 are:

  • Promote social inclusion and equity at local and European level through a participative approach and the empowerment of professionals working in the field of intellectual disability.
  • Develop professionals’ competencies promoting new methodologies through the effective use of ICT tools.
  • Create a responsive web platform that gathers information about public places that are keen and sensible to people with intellectual disabilities and their caregivers.



CAPTAIN H2020 (2017-2020)

CAPTAIN: stands for “Coach Assistant via Projected and Tangible Interface”. It is an H2020 European project (2017-2020) which involves 14 partners from 9 European countries (Italy, Greece, Ireland, Germany, France, Switzerland, Spain, Cipro and Estonia). Leveraging on a few state of the art technologies (e.g., projected augmented reality, 3D sensing, Non-invasive physiological and emotional data analysis), CAPTAIN will be a gentle coach within an empowering space capable to:

  1. Transparently comprehend what happens within the house (without the user wearing anything) while the user simply interacts with the real world;
  2. Provide guidance in the most transparent manner, by projecting contextualized information wherever and whenever needed;
  3. Help them live independently maintaining their physical, cognitive, mental and social well-being.


UNCAP H2020 (2015-2018)uncap

UNCAP stands for “Ubiquitous  iNteroperable Care for Ageing People”. It is an H2020 European project (2015-2017) which involves 23 partners (including several pilot user partners) from 9 European countries (Italy, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Romania, Greece, Germany, Spain, Sweden and Macedonia).

The main goals of the project are:



CHESS (2014-2016)Chess (3)

CHESS it monitors the educational achievements of children under school age (0-6), in order to provide the educator with useful information for calibrating his intervention according to the capacities already acquired by the child. The project is developed together with Studio Vega and in collaboration with several FISM associated schools.