
IPA2: The 4th Transnational Meeting of the E+ project

IPA2 4° meeting transnazionale

The 4th transnational project meeting of the Erasmus+ project was held on the 27th of April. The meeting, initially planned to be in Belgium, has been actually held online due to the covid-19 pandemic. The representatives of the partners discussed the next steps to be implemented in relation to the work plan and the current state of play regarding the achieved objectives. 

The next steps 

The whole month of May will be dedicated to the finalization of the 5 learning modules, of a 5-hours duration each, that will be lately uploaded on the e-learning platform. The development of the learning modules, under the coordination of A Thousand Whishes Foundation (the Serbian partner) supported by all other partners, will be realized according a co-creation approach that implies the direct involvement of end-users, i.e., the teachers of students with ASD and the students themselves. 

By the end of June the technical development of the e-learning platform will be completed by Social IT, containing all the material produced, including the learning modules and the guidelines for teachers and students with ASD. Initially, the platform will be realized in English, and lately translated in all partners languages. 

Finally, also the website (, currently available only in English, will be translated in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Serbian. 

The training 

The training activities for the partners’ staff, initially planned to be held in Portugal, will be organized online by FPDA-Federação Portuguesa de Autismo at the end of June. Participants will be trained on the use of the e-learning platform as a tool to train the trainers, i.e., the educators and teachers of students with ASD. Participants will also assess the learning modules developed and will validate the contents in relation to their own national educational context. Moreover, they will discuss about the guidelines on the platform and the organization of the experimental phase